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About Us

abingdon chiropractic teamDr. Brian Douts , graduated with honors from Life University with a doctorate of chiropractic degree. He practices neurologically-based chiropractic and is advanced certified in Torque Release Technique, providing a range of techniques and skills to the people in our community.

A Focus on Straight Chiropractic Care

You may have been to other clinics where they try to do a little bit of everything. The research, however, is clear: an effective, precise chiropractic adjustment can help your body in the short-term as well as the longterm, while not confusing it with other inputs, which can result from other modalities.

Our chiropractic office focuses on what we know you need: a quality adjustment from a skilled practitioner. We’re always striving to give the best care while constantly learning so that we can further hone our abilities to your benefit.

Catering to Your Goals

We encourage people to discover the incredible advantages that corrective chiropractic care can bring to your life. We understand, however, that some people may have a simpler goal: just getting out of pain. No matter what your aim is in seeking our help, know that we’re here to assist you in finding your way to natural, real health without being forced to resort to drugs and surgery.

You can see us until you’re out of your painful crisis, then call us if you think you want to come back again. You can also opt to be on a corrective plan that addresses the underlying cause of your pain, which will result in long-term wellness.

We Walk the Walk and Talk the Talk

There’s a story about Gandhi that we love to share. A father brought his son to Gandhi and asked what to do about his son’s diabetes. Gandhi said, come back in 30 days and I’ll tell you. Confused but willing to do anything, the man waited a month, then returned. He asked, “Why did I have to wait so long?” Gandhi replied, “I had to go without sugar for 30 days before I could recommend it to you and your son.”

When we make recommendations to you, it’s because we’ve been there, and we’ve helped people just like you recover. We’ll treat you just like we would want to be treated at any doctor’s office, with transparency and respect.

Find Relief and Wellness With Us

One of our patients was a man who hadn’t been in for a year. He returned because of pain. Dr. Brian adjusted him and gave the man home care instructions. The following day, he was remarkably better. This patient has decided he’ll give us a call if he’s in a crisis, knowing we can help to fix him.

Another patient is a woman whose husband had been under corrective care with us. She was lifting something and had her back go out. A health-conscious person, she knew right away that she wanted to make sure the problem could never return. The patient opted for corrective care like her husband so that she could be proactive and have a healthy spine for life.

We aren’t here to sell you anything. We’ll give you an examination, tell you what we think is wrong and give you our best recommendations. Then, you can decide what you’d like to do.

Contact our chiropractic office today to schedule your first appointment! Free consultations are available.


About Abingdon Chiropractic Center | (276) 628-8167